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Kubrick have entered the 2021-22 The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers, joining the likes of Deloitte, the BBC, and Google as the most favourable places to begin your career after university. At number 87 on the list, Kubrick lead fellow newcomers Pepsico (92), the Walt Disney Company (89), and Diageo (100).

The announcement comes on the heels of an unprecedented and still accelerating growth rate for the data, AI, and cloud consultancy, whose unique methodology to building their own workforce has brought success as the 2nd fastest growing company in the 2020 Sunday Times Fast Track 100 and the 17th fastest growing company in the Financial Times 1000: Europe’s Fastest Growing companies.

Amongst the historic titans of UK graduate schemes, from the Big 4 to law giants and banking heavy weights such as Clifford Chance, Barclays, and Deutsche Bank, Kubrick is a break-through feature as the youngest business on the list. With over 750 consultants trained since its inception in 2016, nearly 400 of which were trained in the last year alone, and the promise of more than 600 roles in the next year, the technology consultancy is sure to shoot further up the rankings in the 2022-23 results.

The publication, now in its 23rd year, is based on research with one basic premise: final year students were asked the open-ended question “Which employer do you think offers the best opportunities for graduates?”. The 1,500+ organisations that were named by over 16,000 respondents were then distilled to the 100 employers that were mentioned the most. Whilst this year’s interviews were conducted via video calls in the midst of the third national lockdown, the results of the survey painted an overwhelmingly positive picture for the future of graduate employment beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

The team behind the survey, High Fliers Research, conducted their own analysis of the results, pulling out key findings and highlighting the biggest shifts since their last report[1]. In this year’s list, those who have climbed the highest and are threatening the old order include the technology leaders of our time - Google, Amazon, and Apple - and the nation’s biggest charities to supply paid training for career entry, Teach First and Police Now. It is easy to spot the trend: today’s graduates want a piece of the action in cutting-edge technology but are also seeking the training required to guarantee jobs with longevity. Kubrick, sitting at the intersection of salaried training and entry into the sought-after world of technology, is a natural choice for graduates across the country who are discovering their name and offering. And their notoriety amongst the graduate community is certainly growing; they have now received over 60,000 applications for their training programmes.

Kubrick Co-Founders and Managing Partners Tim Smeaton and Simon Walker reflect on the significance of Kubrick’s entry into the list.

Tim: “It is a complete joy to see Kubrick join The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers, but it should hopefully come as no surprise. Graduates are hungry for training to make the leap from university to the workforce, especially given the enormity of the skills divide in next-generation technology, but face student debts which hold them back from funding further education like never before. Our growth over the last year, marked by becoming the fastest growing consultancy in Europe[2], has allowed us to help hundreds more of the brightest minds secure jobs in the most exciting industry, in spite of the many uncertainties in the world around them.

“We founded Kubrick with a firm belief in power of lowering barriers to entry into the data and technology industry for those from all backgrounds, particularly when tackling the gender divide and the pay gap within it. We are so delighted to see this mission come to life in the survey’s very simple yet effective test; in our relatively short but impactful time as a UK employer, Kubrick is already the name on the lips of thousands of graduates when asked for the best opportunity out there.”

Simon: “This achievement for Kubrick is not only a testament to the quality of our training, but to the fantastic opportunities which our technology partners and clients provide our consultants. Today’s graduates are extremely driven to learn and progress, and the challenge of our selection process is clearly an enticing proposition for the most ambitious junior professionals out there. We’re excited to see how this ranking inspires even more graduates to take up our offering and join us to deliver astonishing solutions to our world-leading client organisations whilst kickstarting their careers.”

Times Top 100 Graduate Employers 2021
The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers is now available

You can read about Kubrick’s offering on page 154 of the 2021-22 Times 100 Top Graduate Employers, which is available in hard copy from book retailers everywhere or online:

For more information, tips for applying, and to read about our consultants’ journeys with Kubrick, visit:

[1] (page 15-16)

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